Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Beginning the Scale Wars

During my pregnancy, I gained 55 lbs. This is pretty typical of a multiples pregnancy, but since I was already heavy when I got pregnant, I probably shouldn't have gained so much. I blame Frosties.

I've struggled with my weight ever since puberty. Some of you read my old blog, so you know that I lost a fair amount of weight leading up to our trying to conceive journey, but I stupidly put it all back on between the first pregnancy and the emotional eating that accompanied the miscarriage. I'm not going to beat myself up for that; I was emotionally empty, and if ice cream could help in the month after our loss, then so be it. But the fact remains that I entered my twins' pregnancy at 236 pounds, pretty much the heaviest I've ever been.

37 weeks pregnant
On the Monday before my delivery, I weighed 291 lbs. At my one week postpartum appointment, I weighed 266 lbs. One month postpartum, I was 250 lbs. While this weight loss makes me happy (41 lbs so far), it's really through no effort of my own. I've been eating total garbage and I can't workout much post-surgery. The weight loss thus far can be entirely attributed to breastfeeding and being unable to eat at times because I lack spare hands.

Starting on Thursday of next week, I'm going to do a weekly health check in and weigh in. Here are some of my goals for this week:
  • Drink two or fewer cokes per day (I know this sounds like not a sacrifice, but unfortunately that would be cutting back).
  • Drink 3 jug-fuls (the container I got at the hospital) of water per day
  • Count calories on at least one day
Baby steps, people.

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